Friday, January 31, 2014

Calling Marla...

I have been busy at both my day job and trying to finish up quilt tops in my spare time so I can get on with some fun new projects. About three months ago I started a kaleidoscope quilt for my little man. I wanted him to have something sweet that he could grow with and that was pretty, but not too pretty. I mentioned in an earlier post that I LOVE SARAH JANE'S lines of fabrics.  I just love everything about them.  They give me such inspiration and are created in a way that captures the essence of innocence. So I started with the fabrics of Children at Play and added coordinates from there.

So, I saw a quilt some time ago that I Pinned and I just had to replicate.  And while it is not exactly the same, it became my own version.  I started with making the kaleidoscope out of 12 different patterns.  I just loved the way it turned out.  I planned with great detail to make sure that there weren't any blades that touched that were the same pattern. This proved to be rather difficult.

Then I moved onto flying geese. I admit I had NEVER done them and they didn't turn out as crisp as I might have liked them to, but they were okay. Next I added pennants. Those were made from smaller blades like the ones I used in the center.

Finally each corner was finished with a detailed block in each corner.

Next I had a scrappy quilt from a project last year that I had not completed yet.  One day that I was playing hooky and wandering the aisles of JoAnn's alone I found the original paisley.  I screamed out at me from across the store "Hey over here! I'm here for you!" I could hardly ignore the plea to go home with me.

So,  framed it with the paisley and it turned out pretty good.  I am actually trying to decide where it will find its home. I just made it with no real purpose other than I just wanted to use these scraps up.

Now they are both neatly folded and stacked with their backings awaiting Marla.  Marla is my long arm of the quilts. I am so anxious for her return because it puts these quilts a little closer to completion! I can't wait to see them and bind them and then of course gift them. That is the best part of all! "Tis better to give than to receive," someone once told me...

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